Current Investment Interest Rates

Fixed Term Investments

Looking to make a long term commitment to help you and your community? This option pays a Rate by Negotiation on investments for twenty-four months (minimum investment of $5,000).

Rate by Negotiation

24 months


12 months

Invest with a long term commitment that helps you and your parish. This option pays 5.00% interest on investments for twelve months (minimum investment of $5,000).


Our three quarter investment. This option pays 3.50% interest on investments for nine months (minimum investment of $5,000).

9 months


Looking to invest for a shorter time period? This option pays 3.00% interest on investments for six months (minimum investment of $5,000).

6 months


3 months

Looking to make a short investment that also helps your parish? This option pays 2.50% interest on investments for three months (minimum investment of $5,000).

Other Investments


The Christmas Club account will allow you to put money away and gather interest throughout the year, in anticipation of the expenses for the festive season.

Christmas Club Account


Koala Club Account

Plant a seed for your child. For all children under 18, a Koala Club account is a great way to save money and passively earn interest (requires 31 days notice to withdraw).


A Premium Saver Account is the way to go for adults young and old to stash their savings and earn interest on the side (requires 31 days notice to withdraw).

Premium Saver Account


A Diocesan Employees Premium Saver Account is the way to go for our employees to invest their savings and earn interest during their time with the Diocese (withdrawals on-demand).

Diocesan Employee Premium Saver

The CDF helps you and the community.

In the past two years alone, the Catholic Development Fund has provided over $2.85m in interest to our investors. On top of that, all of our profits go towards building schools, restoring churches, operating social and family support services. In addition, parishes received a distribution from the fund based on the investments lodged by their parishioners, directly supporting their parish community.

When you open a Term Investment with the CDF, you will receive your interest on maturity plus the CDF will also donate 2.5% interest to the Parish of your choice within the Catholic Diocese of Bathurst

Open an Account

Our performance numbers.

Teacher reading to students


Interest returned to investors over the last 2 years.


Funded for local education projects in our parishes.


Different investment options to suit your financial goals.

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15 min.

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Questions? Get in touch with us.

Unsure where to start? Need assistance with your CDF account? Our team would love to hear from you, no matter what questions you have.

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